Geordie Galvin, the Director and Principal Consultant at Astute has 20 years’ experience in air quality. He has completed numerous studies including projects involving landfills, hydrogenation plants, ethanol plants, boat repair and manufacturing operations, refineries, chicken farms, piggeries, cattle feedlots, rendering plants and wastewater treatment plants. He has consulted to state and local government agencies throughout Australia and collaborated with universities in the United States including the University of Nebraska at Lincoln and West Texas A & M University. Geordie has also given numerous invited workshop presentations on air quality sampling, analysis and assessment both in Australia and the United States.

Since forming Astute Environmental Consulting in 2017, Geordie has completed projects at sites throughout Australia and is currently an expert witness in numerous legal matters in Queensland and New South Wales. Geordie has been an expert in over 60 different matters.

In his former role at Pacific Environment, Geordie performed air quality studies all over Australia at sites ranging from Darwin through to Cygnet in southern Tasmania. He has also completed projects in New Zealand and the USA.

From June 2010 to November 2014 Geordie was the Deputy Chair of the odour special interest group (OSIG) within the Clean Air Society of Australia and New Zealand (CASANZ) and from November 2014 to March 2021 Geordie held the role of Chair until stepping down in early 2021. Geordie currently sits on the OSIG committee which assists the current OSIG chairs.

Geordie has Bachelors and Master’s degrees in Environmental Engineering and is a member of the Institute of Engineers Australia, a Member Engineer of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers and the Clean Air Society of Australia and New Zealand (as an Accredited Professional).